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Все новости от 22 февраля 2000 г.

TopS implements BAAN at Nizhpharm

TopS has announced that it has implemented the BAAN IV enterprise management system at Nizhpharm in Nizhny Novgorod. The work was carried out in cooperation with the local company Promis which works as Nizhpharm automation department. According to TopS consultant Andrey Bardachev, the contract was signed on February 23, 1998 after Promis had considered other vendors, including SAP and Computer Associates. The system utilizes three basic BAAN IV modules – logistics, manufacturing and finance management. TopS also supplied Hewlett-Packard workstations and RISC servers as well as HP and Cisco networking equipment.

TopS: (+7 095) 253-70-69 www.tops.msk.com


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