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Все новости от 2 февраля 2000 г.

New Rambler owners plan multimillion investments

Two investment Funds are to invest ‘several tens of millions’ of Dollars to establish a new Web portal on the foundations of Russia's most visited web site, the Rambler search engine. Russkiye Fondy investment group and Orion Capital Advisors together with Stack, which developed the Rambler Web site plan to make Rambler.ru a more powerful search engine with new information resources and e-commerce services. The new firm will take over Stack's trademarks - Rambler, Rambler Top 100 and iXTB, a news server that publishes information on PC equipment. Last year, Port.ru, the company that administers the popular Mail.ru Russian-language mail server, sold a 20 percent stake for nearly $1 million.


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