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Все новости от 2 февраля 2000 г.

MCT Lab completes second stage of Tatenergo project

MCT Lab has announced that it has completed the second stage of a project to implement financial modules of Oracle Applications at Tatenergo. According to Tatenergo deputy director for information technologies Garold Bandurin, the project calls for the implementation of Oracle Applications financial modules on about 600 workplaces within three years at a value of about $2 million, as well as the upgrade of his company’s telecommunications system. A three-stage tender to choose a consultant among MCT Lab, TopS, EDS-Lanit, Fort-Dialog and ICL, a vendor among SAP, Baan and Oracle, and a hardware supplier preceded the project. Equipment for the project will be supplied by Optima (Cisco, about $1 million) and TopS (Hewlett-Packard, about $3 million). The whole project is valued at $8.6 million. Mr. Bandurin says the project will probably be suspended for about two months due to “changes in corporate policy” caused by the appointment of a new general director.

Tatenergo: (+7 8432) 31-86-59


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