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Все новости от 2 февраля 2000 г.

CompuLink Research demonstrates BioLink

CompuLink Research and Lanit are to market a finger-print scanning system called BioLink designed for user identification. The system includes a mouse with a built-in fingerprint scanning system and a collection of software packages. The two companies are scheduled to begin distributing the new products in Russia in March. The price of one mouse bundled with BioLink Online Fingerprint Protected Web and/or BioVault File Protection Software will vary from $120 to $250. The price of BioLink Software Development Kit - necessary to implement the system on a corporate network - will be over $10,000.

CompuLink: (+7 095) 737-88-55 www.compulink.ru
Lanit: (+7 095) 967-66-50 www.lanit.ru


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