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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 1999-12-7 на главную / новости от 1999-12-7


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Все новости от 7 декабря 1999 г.

Microinform to offer discounts to Computer Depo customers

Computer Depo and Microinform have signed a cooperation agreement which enables Computer Depo customers to enjoy discounts on training courses offered by Microinform. To qualify for a 20 percent discount, a customer should order training in December 1999 or January 2000. Moreover, if a customer has passed a course on a previous version of a software product, the price of a course on a new version will be reduced by 40 percent. A 20 percent discount also covers Microsoft certification tests at the international center VUE.

Computer Depo: (+7 095) 969-21-11 www.depo.ru Microinform: (+7 095) 953-00-06 www.microinform.ru


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