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Program of the specialized conference

Travel commission of the Russian party of the Russian-Syrian Business Council, the Russian-Arabian Business Council, "TKB-service" company under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Ministry for tourism of Syria, Federal Agency for tourism of the Russian Federation.
Representatives of governmental and public bodies of Russia and Syria, the leading Russian and Syrian companies working in the sphere of tourist industry.
Moscow, the Chamber of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation, Ilyinka 6.
Conference date:
July 18, 2005.
14.00 - 18.00
Conference goals:
1. Discussion and preparation of offers on formulating the program of the Russian-Syrian tourist relations development for the years immediately ahead as one of the basic directions of humanitarian cooperation between our countries.
2. Presentation of tourist opportunities of Syria to the Russian travel agencies.
3. Presentation of tourist opportunities of Russia to the Syrian travel agencies.
4. Clarification of provisions Syrian legislation regulating foreign investments into tourism and activity of travel agencies on the territory of Syria.
5. Procedures ad regulations concerning land acquiring for execution of investment projects aiming at setting up of tourist infrastructures in Syria.
6. Discussions around the concept of establishing the "Fund for promoting Russian-Syrian tourist and business relations " to join together Russian and Syrian businessmen working in the sphere of tourism.
18.07.2005. The Conference.
1. Registration of the participants. Coffee.
Demonstration of slides, videoclips, distribution of advertising booklets and other promotional matter by representatives of Russian and Syrian travel companies.
2. Welcoming speech on behalf of the management of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Russian-Arabian Business Council.
3. Welcoming speech on behalf of the Ministry for tourism of the Syrian Arab Republic - the head of delegation of the Ministry for tourism of the Syrian Arab Republic
4. "The current state and prospects of the tourist industry of Syria" - report by the Ministry for Tourism of Syria representative.
5. "Basic provisions of the Federal Program for development of inbound tourism in Russia" report by the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Russian Union of Tourism Industry representative.
6. "Pilgrim sites in Syria, prospects and opportunities for development of religious tourism" messages - the Moscow Patriarchy representative.
Ecclesiastical Authority of Moslems of Russia representative.
7. Coffee - break, meetings with mass media.
8. Message “Work program of Tourism Committee – Russian Syrian Business Council” – by
Mr S. Nahas, Chairman - Council’s Tourism Committee.
9. Message “Tourism opportunities of the Moscow City for receiving foreign citizens” – by
representative of the Tourism Committee – Moscow’s Government and Moscow
Association of Travel Agencies.
10. Message “Popular tourist routes and hotel accommodation opportunities in Syria” –
by Mr R. Hamad – Member, Business Council Tourism Committee
11. "The Basic directions of promotion of the Syrian tourist product in the Russian market" –
Mr N.I. Spiridonov, Director - the "TKB-Service" Centre for of Business Cooperation
12. Answers to the questions which have arisen over the conference. Speeches by the conference participants.
13. Wrap-up of the conference. Resolution of organizational matters relating to the set-up of
the "Fund for promoting Russian-Syrian tourist and business relations ".
The Conference close-up.
14. Buffet table.