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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2000-3-21 на главную / новости от 2000-3-21


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Все новости от 21 марта 2000 г.

R-Style becomes Lotus partner

R-Style and Lotus Development have announced that they have signed a partnership agreement. The agreement grants R-Style the status of Lotus Advanced Business Partner and enables R-Style to use the Lotus Business Partner logo, to install an advanced package of Lotus software for two servers and 25 workplaces, and to enjoy technical and marketing support from the vendor. Of 60 partners that Lotus has in Russia today, 35 hold the status of Advanced Business Partner.

R-Style: (+7 095) 904-10-01 www.r-style.ru Lotus: (+7 095) 258-64-76 www.ibm.ru/lotus


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