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Все новости от 7 сентября 1999 г.

Avtopribor chooses automated design system supplier

Vladimir-based plant Avtopribor, specializing in components for Russian automobiles, has announced the results of a tender to select a supplier of an automated design system. The contest was won by Voronezh-based Solver which had suggested using the Pro/Engineer software from PTC. Other participants of the tender included Unigraphics from UGS and Catia from IBM. According to Solver marketing director Igor Mamontov, his company is to provide the customer with 8-10 Hewlett-Packard workstations and install the Pro/Engineer software on them. The project is due to be finished by the end of the year.

Solver: (+7 0732) 77-72-22 www.solver-net.com


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