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Все новости от 7 сентября 1999 г.

Microsoft presents products of Russian and Ukrainian developers

Microsoft has announced two MS SQL 7.0-based products. One of them - the enterprise management system Virtuoso 1.3 - was developed by the Ukrainian company Miratech. It is a client-server application on the NT or Windows 95 platform, compatible with MS BackOffice, and can be integrated with standard Windows applications and MS Exchange. The price of a package for five users is $3,950. Another product - the information system Perevozki - is designed for the automation of transportation companies. The system was developed by Moscow-based SoftLogistic and costs from $5,000 to $18,000, depending on the number of modules.

Microsoft: (+7 095) 967-85-85 www.microsoft.com/rus Miratech: (044) 266-33-43 www.miratech.kiev.ua SoftLogistic: (+7 095) 232-00-97 www.perevozki.ru


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