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Все новости от 3 августа 1999 г.

Autodesk announces new version of video editing software

Discreet, a division of Autodesk, has started to offer a new version of its video editing software, edit• v5.0. According to Evgeny Konstantinov, sales manager of Autodesk CIS, the product will be available in Russia and the CIS through authorized resellers of Discreet - Moscow-based Tivionika, Qualitron and System Videographics Alliance, and Kiev-based Tivionika Ukraine and Palette. He says these companies have to pass an authorization on this particular product by sending their employees to the London office of Autodesk for training. At the moment, the system is already sold through Moscow and Kiev Tivionika as well as Qualitron. The recommended retail price of edit• v5.0 equals $8,320, and edit• plus v5.0 - $12,480.

Autodesk CIS: (+7 095) 797-47-00


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