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Все новости от 14 апреля 2001 г.

Dealine announces results of its online sales

Dealine has announced that it has changed its name from Distribution Center to Electronic Business Center, reflecting changes in its business model. Now most of the company's revenue (up to 80 percent of orders) is derived from Internet sales. For the past 10 months, since the introduction of the Dealine online trade system, the distributor's Internet sales totaled $52.5 million. According to Dealine general director Georgy Polikhronidi, the new system enabled his company to cut down expenses considerably. For example, the distributor decreased the number of employees by 10 percent, saving up $200,000, decreased its communications expenses by $300,000, saved $250,000 on warehouse maintenance, and increased its sales of higher margin products (by another $700,000).


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