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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2000-10-25 на главную / новости от 2000-10-25


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Все новости от 25 октября 2000 г.

Gossviaznadzor losses powers to new State bodies

The Russian telecommunications regulatory body, the General State Supervisory Department for Communications and Information (Gossviaznadzor), has announced a number of changes to be made to its work in near future. Part of its functions will be taken over by the newly created Department for the Supervision of Communications and Information of the Ministry of Communications and Information. The other part will be given to the Department of Radio Frequency Services, which is yet to be created. This new body will have offices in each of the seven federal regions and one of its functions will be the allocation of frequency. The existing regional departments of Gossviaznadzor will report to the Department for the Supervision over Communications and Information.


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