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Все новости от 6 июня 2000 г.

Gosstandart implements standards translation system

The State Standards Committee, the US company Global Management Consulting Services (GMCS), ProMT and ABBYY have announced that they have completed a project to create a database for the translation of international and Russian standards. The project was financed by the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the form of a loan. The American company worked as a project coordinator. ABBYY was responsible for the provision of its OCR system FineReader Professional, the electronic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary Lingvo, and the development of additional dictionaries of standards terminology. ProMT supplied its machine translation system PROMT bundled with over 60 specialized dictionaries. Currently, the system serves more than 15 ministries. In future, its services will be used by about 100 regional organizations. The project is valued at $1.95 million.
State Standards Committee: (+7 095) 236-62-08 www.gost.ru GMCS: (+7 095) 938-19-80 ABBYY: (+7 095) 263-66-58 www.abbyy.ru ProMT: (+7 812) 245-16-06 www.promt.ru


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