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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2000-4-11 на главную / новости от 2000-4-11


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Все новости от 11 апреля 2000 г.

East Wind to implement prepaid card system in Sakhalin

East Wind has announced that it has signed a contract with the AMPS operator Sakhalin Telecom Mobile for the delivery of its EastWind Prepaid Card System (EastWind PCS). The project runs for two months. In the first half of last year, East Wind provided the operator with its voice mail system EastWind DigiTel. In the nearest future, East Wind plans to expand the capacity of EastWind PCS being used by Dal Telecom International and to install EastWind at Kaliningrad Mobile Networks.

East Wind: (+7 3432) 61-13-14


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