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Все новости от 4 апреля 2000 г.

Inel installs computer cluster at MSU

The computer center of Moscow State University and Inel have announced that they have put into operation a computer cluster. According to the computer center director Alexander Tikhonravov, the contract was awarded to Inel as a result of a tender that brought together seven companies. Inel used the integrated solution Wulfkit developed by the Norwegian companies Dolphin Interconnect Solutions and Scali. The system consists of 12 dual-processor (Pentium III 500 MHz) servers Excimer. The servers are interconnected via a Fast Ethernet network based on 3Com SuperStack switch. Parallel programming in the system is based on Message Passing Interface ScaMPI 1.9.1. The cluster is capable of processing a maximum of 12 billion floating-point operations per second. In future, the number of servers may be increased.

MSU Computer Center: (+7 095) 939-52-16 www.srcc.msu.su
Inel: (+7 095) 742-36-15 www.inel.ru


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