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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2000-1-11 на главную / новости от 2000-1-11


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Все новости от 11 января 2000 г.

Vympelcom announces Q3 results

Vympelcom has announced that it finished the third quarter with revenues of $56.9 million (down from $103.9 million in Q3 1998) and losses of $2.6 million ($41.3 million in Q3 1998). Corrected losses for the first two quarters of this year are $5.1 million (the old number was $100,000) and $5.7 million ($8.4 million). The mistakes were caused by changes made to the company’s billing system late last year. Total losses for the first three quarters of 1999 amounted to $13.3 million, or $400,000 less than for the same period last year.

Vympelcom: (+7 095) 755-00-55 www.beeline.ru


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