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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2000-1-11 на главную / новости от 2000-1-11


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Все новости от 11 января 2000 г.

Nienshanz to provide Lensviaz with computers

Nienshanz has announced that it has signed a framework agreement with Lensviaz, the public telephone operator in the St. Petersburg region, for the delivery of computers and their technical support during the course of next year. According to Nienshanz PR manager Tatiana Atanasova, the computers manufactured by her company will be delivered to all 17 nodes of the customer. The agreement calls for special upgrade terms after the equipment warranty expires. However, it does not determine dates or volumes of shipments due to «instability of financing».

Nienshanz: (+7 812) 326-10-90 www.nnz.ru Lensviaz: (+7 812) 312-43-86


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