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АРХИВ СТАТЕЙ 2001-2-14 на главную / новости от 2001-2-14


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Все новости от 14 февраля 2001 г.

Aquarius Consulting to automate sports stores

Aquarius Consulting has announced that it has started a project to implement the enterprise automation system Axapta at the Russian office of Delta Sport. The project calls for Aquarius Consulting to study and optimize the customer's business processes, implement Axapta financial, logistics and sales modules. The systems integrator will also create hardware infrastructure for the system, including cable systems, data networks and server complexes. Pilot operation of the system should be started in October. There are further plans to implement the system at the regional branches of the customer. According to Aquarius PR manager Natalia Kaplinskaya, her company intends to install the system on 90 workplaces in all nine Delta Sport retail stores in Moscow. She says this is the first project of Aquarius to implement Axapta. However, within the next six months the company plans to carry out another two such projects.


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